AJ HQ messages

                                                           Click on pictures to enlarge!

Is there anything I've missed? Please tell me!


  1. You missed the new message when you don't have enough gems and you wanna buy it..........For example.....Let's say you wanna buy mm...A tie..And their 100 gems and you have 56. Something would pop up and say: Oops!
    You don't have enough gems! You have: 56 gems
    You Need: 54 gems
    That's a new one in Jam Mart clothing!Jam on!

  2. I can't add messages that aren't the same for everyone.

    For example "Mariah can't trade right now." Is a AJ message but it's not the same for everyone.

  3. luv ur blog tell me on aj wat u do i got a blog but IT SUCKS! my user: cloudseal =D Thanks :)

  4. did anyone try to get on and it said animal jam was closed

  5. the giraffes one, the summer carnival one...
